

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sagbayan Branch Marches Forth…..

Ayo Family and Friends!

We always sit and review the calendar and pictures to decide what we should write about each week and by all accounts this week was a little mundane…but still we were very busy and there are many great things happening that are moving our little branch forward and so we will share a few of those.

The week started off with us finally getting all of the things moved out of the Halladay's apartment on Panglao (yes we remembered the air conditioner and the water heater, Sister Halladay).  We got it all cleaned and handed over the keys to the owner.  It felt good to have accomplished that finally.  We also got an apartment cleaned out in Inabanga that sisters had moved out of…due to the infestation of RATS!  We are glad to be free of that apartment.  And finally, we got our new neighbors moved in to the apartment right next door to us.

Our new neighbors…Sisters Ross, Monteras, Bertoldo, & Cook
They are loving their new apartment!  It is probably the nicest missionary apartment in the whole mission. They are not used to such luxuries……

Sister Cook just chillin' on the sofa!
All of these Sisters are great, hard-working missionaries.  We are glad they have a comfortable place to rest at night.  It will be fun to have them as neighbors too.

We were able to attend a training on Friday with our new Self-Reliant Specialist, Rey Jay.  He is a very new member of the church and is currently studying to take his board exam in Political Science Education.  He is such a bright young man and is very excited to start the self-reliant program in our branch.  It will help the members so much to be able to get jobs, start businesses, or get an education and become truly able to support their families.  It is a great program that the church puts in place in countries where it would otherwise be very difficult to take care of your family.  We will keep you posted on our progress.

This is Rey Jay our new Self-Reliant Specialist.
We drove way out to a Barangay on the edge of town to get him and he showed us a short-cut to get back to the main road.  As we drove he showed us his grandfather's coconut farm and the area that he has just started 100 cacao seedlings as a business venture to produce chocolate!  

River across the road!
So on our little ride out through the bukid we came to this river that ran right across the road or maybe the road ran right across the river but either way it was pretty deep water and Rey Jay said, "Just drive through it Elder Bell.  You will be alright!"  So we did…and stopped to take a picture of the water with us sitting in the middle of the river.  The water was crystal clear and he said that it came from a spring on his grandfathers land.  I love the Peens!

Saturday I was able to attend a monthly Seminary/Institute Inservice meeting.  I don't often make it to this meeting but when I do I am always so impressed with the caliber of teaching and training we get.

President Galotera
This is President Galotera.  He is the director of Seminary and Institute here on Bohol.  He is also the Stake President of the Tagbilaran Stake, which is the only stake on Bohol.  He is a very good teacher and so loved and respected by everyone who knows him.  I have sure learned a lot from him.  I really have enjoyed my seminary class.  I know you have heard it all before…but it is true….they are just great kids!  The leaders of tomorrow in the Philippines.  The church will be in great hands in a few years!

Hangin' out after seminary!  Love these kids!
Another week in the books!  The time is flying past.  We have officially been here for one year now.  Sometimes it seems like forever but most often it seems like we just got here.  There is so much left to do with only a few months to do it.  I am so happy to have had the opportunity to serve this mission.  It has helped me grow, and refined me in ways I didn't know needed refining.  It is a pleasure to serve with my good husband and to watch him work so hard.  We sat in a Family Home Evening last night with a family in our branch and I nearly had to pick my jaw up when I heard my husband telling this family (all in Cebuano) all about the blessings of the temple and challenged them to work toward being sealed as a family.  He has worked really hard to learn this very difficult language and he is able to communicate with his branch members in their native language!  It is amazing….I think if ever the gift of tongues has been earned…it is by my husband.  I am really proud of him.  

I love you all and pray for you each day.  Please know you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Love you forever,
Sister Bell (Mamala)

Hello my Great Family and Friends (Maayon Buntag ang nindot pamilya ug mga amigo)

Well another week in paradise. We were able to send four of our youth along with Pres. Racoma to temple on Wednesday night to do baptisms for the dead.  The district sponsored the temple trip so only 4 of the youth could attend.  These youth wait their turn sometimes for a year or two to have the opportunity to attend the temple. My first councilor went the temple with them and that was great. We had much work to do with the missionaries and that makes it possible to be a Branch President and also a Full time Missionary.

Sagbayan Youth awaiting the Ferry ride to Cebu to attend Temple.
We decided that we are going to take the all of the Sagbayan Branch youth to the temple in November.  We are looking forward spending 2 day in the Temple of our Lord with such great youth. We will report on that after the event.

Well this is one Sister Bell would normally post but I am going to do it this week. We have such a amazing primary in this new Sagbayan Branch. The primary presidency is taking over teaching of lessons and the sharing time and doing such a Nindot Kaayo job.

Primary Children writing letters to their favorite Missionary.
These women are great teachers and they have pushed past a lot of fears and self doubt to get the courage to stand and teach.  Others have the natural born talent and are terrific teachers from the beginning. It is great to see that who the Lord calls he also qualifies when we put our trust in him.

Primary Presidency of Sagbayan Branch
Well Sister Bell mentioned the teaching appointment we attended at the Viodor family on Saturday night. This is one of the first homes we taught in at the beginning of our mission. Since then the wife and all the children have joined the church and are doing great.  There son is my Branch Clerk and literally is my translator to many of the peoples in Sagbayan. The only member of the family that is not a member is the father (tatay). 

So Tatay Viodor has listened to the missionaries and is a great friend to the missionaries and also us.  A few months ago we had one of the new missionaries serving in Bohol tell us that he was praying about Tatay Viodor and he was told that Elder Bell was the key to bringing him into the church.  We do share a special bond.  He is a hard working, very honest man.  He sells fish out of the back of his truck and travels over many miles of road each day to support his family and many others that live under their roof. I felt impressed to show him a slide show I prepared about the Temple trip the Gambi's went on to have their family sealed together.  Then I challenged him to take his family to the Temple and the Lord would bless his life in ways he can not imagine at this time. So he attended Church today and is softening up some.  We are going to have weekly appointments to teach him and help him gain a testimony for himself.  The sisters do a great job teaching and will testify kanunay (always) of the truth of their message.

Well today at testimony meeting we had 12 members stand and bear their testimonies about the Temple and the great blessings they feel in their lives.  It was touching to see so many with tears in their eyes tell of their feeling about serving in callings, attending the temple and just the great joy they feel in their lives.  Now keep in mind these people live on what we make in month for a entire year or more.  They look for their joy from within and not from what they have.  It does not get better than this for a missionary.  They literally race to the microphone and then we have to cut the meeting off before all of them a chance to bear testimony.  What a joy to witness each month.

Well enough for this week. I love Lord and I love all of his children.  May the Lord bless you with the righteous desires of your hearts.

Umping Kaayo
Elder Bell (Elder Papalo)
Cebu Temple

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