

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Wedding Bells!

Ayo Family and Friends!

Well it was our Sagbayan adult temple trip this week and what a week we had.  The logistics of the whole thing are a little tricky because when you deal with adults they actually have jobs, families, animals to care for and other adult responsibilities.  So, as it turned out we did not all go together on Thursday to Cebu.  Fourteen of us headed for Cebu on Thursday and nine of them came over on Friday.  Some had to go home on Friday and the rest stayed and headed home with us on Saturday.

We were able to be with Marjonilo and his lolo and lola as they were endowed. Then we had the wonderful experience of seeing Maximiano and Conchita (Lolo and Lola) sealed.  It was pretty cute.  They were so stoic I could not get them to smile to save my soul.  I think they are conscientious of their toothless smiles, but I think they are so adorable anyway….

Sister Bell, Maximano, Marjonilo, Conchita, Elder Bell
Another one of our great surprises Friday was our sweet Sister Cook coming to the sealing.  She had served many months with us in Sagbayan and was transferred to Cebu a few weeks ago. She was able to get permission to attend the sealing of the Seliote's.  She had taught many of the people that were with us on the temple trip and they were all so happy to see her and hug her one last time as she will be returning to the USA next transfer.

Sister Erlinda Jandayan, Sister Cook, Sister Florizza Jandayan
Sister Cook taught the gospel to both of these sweet sisters!

Me with some of my sweet sisters!

Some of our Sagbayan branch members as we prepare to go home.
Many of our members had been doing a bit of family history work before they went to the temple trip and there is a wonderful family history center at the temple complex.  They continued to do more work with the fabulous senior couple serving there and were able to bring lots of names to the temple for baptism work.  So even the members that are not yet endowed were able to spend time in the temple and they loved the beauty and peace they felt within the hallowed walls of that special place.

I wanted to share a special experience we had on Thursday night.  One of our sweet sisters, Joenalyn Cansancio, was having terrible mouth pain and was not even able to function.  She asked if Elder Bell could give her a blessing.  So I rounded up Elder Bell and Marjonilo and they were able to give her a blessing.  Elder Bell blessed her that she would be in no pain and be able to sleep well that night so that she could enjoy the time in the temple the next day.  When the blessing was over she touched her hand to her jaw and looked so surprised.  She said the pain had vanished instantly!  She walked back to the room that I shared with her and four other sisters.  By the time I got there she was in tears and her sister told me that she was crying because she realized she had just witnessed a true miracle!  I talked with her a minute about her great faith being the reason the Lord could perform this miracle for her.  She slept well and felt no pain the next day.  She headed home the next day and by the time she got home it began to hurt again but the promise of the blessing was fulfilled perfectly!  She understood she had been the recipient of a miracle and was in awe!  Her profound and pure faith was amazing and I was privileged to witness this tender mercy from the Lord.

Just one more temple trip picture……

The Yellow Submarine
"We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine…"  Remember that song from the 60's?  Well this is the ferry that we often travel in to and from Cebu.  Pretty scary huh?  It is scary and old and we just pray every time we travel that we will arrive safely to our port!  Life in the Peens is always an adventure!

We had invited our new senior couple to go with us so they could figure out the ferry system, and the temple travel with taxis and such.  Well, Elder Shamrell had to leave Friday to get some packages at the mission office and while he was out and about he discovered this amazing little french restuarant that is right next to the temple complex.  The four of us walked over there after we got out of the temple that evening and had the most delightful dinner!  

That, my friends, was the most amazing meal I have eaten in 18 months!  Look!  No rice!  And look at this door…

This door divided two rooms.  It had the most intricate carving in it and the light from the other room shone through!  I loved it.  It was good food and great atmosphere….we will be happy to go there again when I am so tired of cafeteria food I could scream! 
We had to say goodbye to our kids last Monday and so this temple trip was a good diversion after they left.  It kept us really busy all week.  I love you all madly and I am so happy to be serving here in the Cebu East Mission.  The adventure continues…….

Love you forever,
Sister Bell (Mamala to all!)

Maayong Gabii Pamilya ug mga Amigo!

Well most of the time we spent last week was fit around the Nindot Kaayo (Fantastic) Temple Trip. So Sister Bell does such a great job of describing those events that you just can not add on to perfection. 

So Sister Bell and I were called upon to speak in District Conference next week.  This is the last District Conference we will attend while serving on Bohol.  So as to follow suit I decided I will give a lot of my talk in Visayan.  Now I have accomplished that task many times but always in smaller audiences and people are very nice to me even though I am not the best at speaking their language. So I spent a lot of time this week writing my talk and going over it with my trusted friend Marjonilo Viodor, who is preparing to serve a mission on March 25th.

Well after writing a few different talks and scrapping a lot ideas, I finally settled on a talk the is titled "Whom the Lord Calls the Lord Qualifies".  After pouring over many scripture verses and many conference talks from the Prophets and Apostles.  I came up with a final draft (most of the time these drafts actually change sometime even as I am speaking).  So Majonilo and I translated what I need to say and how to say it (like the natives talk), and we were able to come up with a workable talk.  Nindot Gjud (Fabulous). 

Then on the way home from the temple trip Majonilo told we he was terrified at the assignment he received to be concluding speaker in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday.  At that point I understood one of the many reasons preparing my talk had taken so long and the translation process had be so precise. We reviewed over the fact that in just 4 or 5 short week, as a missionary, he would be called on weekly or even daily to perform the same task he is so terrified to do on Sunday.  We reviewed back over the talk and he took the challenge to apply it in his life and be willing give the talk or any other thing he was called by the Lord or his servants to do.

Well he stood and gave wonderful talk with no notes.  He actually shortened his talk because a High Councilman had shown up at the last minute and needed 5 or 10 minutes at the end of the meeting.  He truly became qualified throughout the help of the Holy Ghost and his faith.  It is amazing to see these people become what the Lord truly wants them to be.
Marjonilo Viodor
As I strive to teach this young man English which greatly enriches his life, and will open opportunities forhim in the future.  He teaches me his language that truly enriches the experiences we have on our mission and allow me to bless many other lives also.

Just another great shot of some home made stilts that a young boy had made in Danao from bamboo that grows in the area.

This boy has found a great way to have fun even though he has little money.
Well I will close for tonight.  I am amazed at how many tender mercies of the Lord we receive while serving as missionaries.  The prayers offered over the alters of all the temples in the world each day are truly answered in our lives.  I love the Lord and I love his work.

Amping gyud mo (Have a great day all of you)

Elder Bell (Tatay, Lolo, Amigo)

1 comment:

  1. We love keeping track of you and your fabulous adventures. You are both amazing in your love and your kindness to these wonderful Filipino people. Keep up the grand work of strengthening and lifting!!!
